1 whole pork tenderloin

¼ cup lemon juice

¼ cup orange juice

¼ cup Champaign

1 tbsp Dijon mustard

1 tbsp chopped chives

1 cup sliced mushrooms

2 minced shallots

1 tsp thyme

1 stick butter

1 tbsp safflower oil

Salt and pepper to taste

Heat 1 tbsp oil and 1 tbsp butter in a sauté pan. Sear pork on all sides and transfer to a roasting pan (you already know I like Le Creuset). Sauté shallots, mushrooms and thyme in same pan with an additional 2 tbsp. of butter for about 7 minutes. Deglaze the plan with liquids. Pour the mixture onto the pork and bake until meat thermometer indicates doneness.

Optional: Remove pork from pan and put the liquid through a sieve. Save the mushrooms and put on top of the roast. Bring the cooking liquids to a boil and simmer until reduced in half. Stir in remaining butter ½ tbsp at a time. Keep stirring until the butter is fully incorporated. Season with salt and pepper and serve.