Lighter-Than-Air Chocalate Roll

This recipe is full-proof, easy to make and light as a feather.

  • 8 oz. bittersweet chocolate (melted on very low heat and cooled)
  • 6 eggs, separated, room temperature is better
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1 cup whipping cream (just whipping cream, not the HEAVY whipping cream)
  • 3 tbsp powdered sugar
  • Cocoa powder

Preheat over 350F.

Prepare a large baking sheet: spray with Pam and cover with a sheet of wax paper long enough to comfortably drape over the edges. No need to grease the wax paper.

Prepare a towel to lay the roll over. Spread a clean towel on the kitchen counter. Sift powdered cocoa and sugar on it.

Beat the yolks with half the sugar for five minutes until pale yellow and thick. Fold in the melted chocolate.

Beat the whites until soft peaks. Add the other half of the sugar and beat until stiff peaks.

Fold 1/3 of the whites into the yolks to soften the mixture, then combine the rest in folding motions until just combined.

Spread the mixture evenly in the baking sheet and bake in the oven. Bake 15-18 minutes until the roll is done. Turn the baked roll onto the sugared and cocoa-ed towel so that it's lying flat on the sugar and the wax paper is on top. Carefully peel the wax paper off. Let cool.

Whip the cream with the 3 tbsp. powdered sugar until stiff peaks. Do not overwhip or the cream will separate.

Spread the cream on top of the cake about 1" thick. Fold carefully into a roll. (I use the towel underneath to help nudge the cake along). Sift cocoa and powdered sugar liberally over the roll. Eat or refrigerate, well covered.